Turned Out Great! takes the security of your personal information very seriously. We only ask for the information that is necessary to complete your order. We will not sell or share your information with anyone without your permission unless legally required.
The personal information Turned Out Great! asks for may include your name, company or organization name, billing and shipping address and phone number. We may collect certain information about your visit, such as type of browser you use; the date you access the site, the pages you access while on the site and the internet address of the website from which you linked directly to our site. This information is used to help to administer our website and assist with site development.
Credit card information for order payments is collected by PayPal on secure servers. We do not have access to this information.
If you have any questions about our privacy policy please email us at info@turnedoutgreat.ca. We may occasionally modify this privacy policy. Any such changes will be reflected on this page